"I have a dream to create an organization with a message of love that celebrates the magic of childhood."
Arlo Jared Lorenz
Arlo Jared Lorenz
Hello all,
Well, no FeltIt InMyHeart Press sales to speak of for March. I’ve been focused on the finishing of Empath to Self-Love, and my swim training. Most of you know, but some of you may not know that I’m an Ultra Distance Marathon Swimmer. What does that mean? Well a Marathon in swimming is a 10K or 6.2 miles. I’ve swum distances up to 36 miles, so that’s what I mean by Ultra Distance, really it’s any measured distance greater than a 10k. Point is, In place of attempting to sell more books, I’ve been training. I’ve decided to swim two different events this year. SCAR (SCARswim.com) in Arizona which is a four day, four marathon swim event with two 9 mile races, a 17 mile race, and a 6 mile race. Then I’m competing in End Wet (EndRacing.com/end-wet) again, the 36 mile monster in North Dakota. I always swim these large events for a cause, and this year I’m swimming for the Epilepsy Foundation of America EIN 52-0856660. I’m swimming for this cause, because of family members so close to my heart. My Nephew Hayden, and Sister in Law Karen both face challenges with Epilepsy, and I want to support them. They along with my Brother in Law Tom, and my younger Nephew Graham make up the most darling and supportive family. They are caring and giving amongst the adversity of Epilepsy championing events and educational forums to benefit the Epilepsy Foundation of America. In servitude and support of my family and their precious cause to fund education and research for Epilepsy, I’m swimming these events and attempting to obtain loving donations. The donation link is here: (7) Facebook Does this mean that FeltIt InMyHeart Press is on hold? Not at all, all books are still available for sale, and I’m still shipping if someone were to place an order. If you are passionate about either cause, please feel free to market, and please support the Epilepsy Foundation of America. To sweeten the deal, anyone who donates $50.00 or more to the Epilepsy Foundation of America, and leaves FeltIt InMyHeart Press a positive Google review, will receive a free signed copy of one FeltIt InMyHeart Press children’s book of their choosing. Please send me a copy of your donation receipt, an indication of which book you’d like, along with your address and I’ll send out the copy once I verify the google review. Thank you in advance! Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers #epilepsyawareness #SCARswim #ENDracing #ENDWET
February is all about one sale, but it’s arguably the most impactful sale that FeltIt InMyHeart Press has made and it’s symbolic of what the business model is built for. Here’s the story: My editor is one of my best friends in the world. Bit of advice, always hire an editor that knows you well enough to call you out on your BS, and give you real advice. You must then like this person well enough to not only accept the feedback, but pay them for it and thank them while maintaining your friendship. That’s a bit off subject, but leads to an important introduction. At a get together at my editor’s house, soon after publish of The Lonely Bench, I met a now mutual friend of his, who is an advisor for Thrivent. Thrivent sells supplemental insurance, and provides wealth management services. As a Thrivent member you receive a $250.00 giving credit that you can use for a community service/support project. The primary rule for these funds is that they strengthen your community in a philanthropic way.
This information brings us to current; I receive a call from this new friend, as my editor's wife want’s to purchase books. Her daughter’s Girl Scout Troop wants to give books to children in need of reading material. The original idea was to give used, donated books, but the idea came up to use Thrivent money to purchase some books and that’s where FeltIt InMyHeart Press comes in. This was a wonderful call to take, for $250 they were able to purchase 14 copies with a little help from me, but that’s not all! Because the Girl Scouts and Thrivent are both philanthropic organizations, and they wanted to give books that support the FeltIt InMyHeart Mission of defeating illiteracy, I also gave them the donation books. That’s 28 books for Girl Scouts to give to other children in need, paid for by giving funds from Thrivent. To sweeten the deal, I shipped the order and signed all of the books for the flat $250. This is the reason I started this business. I’m happy to repeat this deal to anyone in similar circumstance who would like to take advantage of it. I’ve also considered this type of deal for classrooms, for $250.00 you could give every child in a classroom a new book. There are so many positives. First the money is a free bonus to being a Thrivent member. Second your supporting community literacy. Third the education given to the Girl Scouts about the power of donation, is equal to the gift of the book given. Fourth, the mission of FeltIt InMyHeart Press to defeat illiteracy is supported in a fantastic way. If you would like to take advantage of a deal like this, please contact me through the contact form and we will get it put together for your organization. In the meantime, Much Love Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers #Girlscouts #Thrivent FeltIt InMyHeart is a true example of a small business. If you are not constantly pushing the sell now button, you don’t sell much. The business definitely has fans, and those fans are passionate and promote the love. These people are true of heart, and I love you/them for it. So, you may have guessed we didn’t sell any copies in January. I’m not surprised. With the everlasting pressures of a pandemic and on the heels of Christmas people are not purchasing items. That doesn’t stop me from figuring out where to give books. I’ve reached out to a local shelter in effort to provide reading material to children in need and am hopeful that the relationship will grow. In place of promoting the business I’ve been working the day job and read editing Empath to Self Love. I’m on my 7th back to back read through the book, and even though I’ve written it, and read it 20+ times it strikes me every time. It’s truly a text that is greater than the sum of it’s parts. I’ve been reading every night, and it’s become a grounding exercise. In that way it’s helped me to promote a positive perspective, and calm myself within the pages and greater message. It’s going to be my carry around book, put simply it calms me and provides a sense of hope. I’m waiting on an illustration, a second editor read through and then layout. We are so close, but I want it to be right. To do that, if I edit something greater than word choice (for example re-write a single sentence) I own myself another full read through. I hold myself to this high standard for you, me, and everyone else. It needs to be right! One thing to celebrate, we have over 700 people following FeltIt InMyHeart Press, and this is all about you; “Thank you”. Below is a small script that I first used when we had 300 followers. With its use we’ve grown our followers dramatically. If you’d continue to push this button for me it’s greatly appreciated. Sometime it generates a sale, but most times it’s another person who knows what we are about. I’m good with that. A personal flaw of mine, I really don’t care about money, I care far more about utilizing my energy in a way that brings others up. I super appreciate your assistance with that. I write, publish and market children’s books. Would you do me a really big favor? Who doesn’t love or need children’s books? I have one of those businesses that can do so much good. I wouldn’t ask if the business wasn’t universally important, and I wouldn’t ask if the messages weren’t pure at heart. 1) Please go to my business. https://www.facebook.com/FeltItInMyHeart/ 2) Scroll across the top, and click on “COMMUNITY” 3) Click “INVITE FRIENDS” 4) Click “ALL” 5) Please wait for a minute for the invitations to be sent. I know it’s a lot to ask. By doing this you support my business. Bigger than that you support messages of love and light, literacy, and education. If someone purchases a book, I give a like book away to an at-risk child, school or related educational program so you are really supporting a changed world. Thank you so much for your support. Much love! Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers Hello, and thank you all for your continued support.
December was a good sales month. We sold 6 copies of Sonic the Flatulent Reindeer, 2 Bumble the Yeti, The Power of Yet, 3 Duck Duck Grey Duck, and 2 The Lonely Bench. I want to confirm that Sonic the Flatulent Reindeer is absolutely hilarious. It was read virtually by a teacher friend of mine to a classroom of first graders and she said they loved it. The funniest part is that the teacher and a parent volunteer lead the laughs, so it’s not just enjoyable for the kiddos, this is a book that adults should have too. My personal favorite line is “Sonic with your toots so loose, won’t you give my sleigh a boost”. All in all, I’m giving 13 copies generated from sales. I again found myself at Christian Family Care giving books. Today I was offered a seat to sign my books. It was nice, as I felt like I was doing a bit of a book signing. They truly appreciate the copies and I am close to the cause as I’m also adopted (My signed books are included in adoption packages). I’m proud of this business model, I’m proud of the writing. Giving books is a magical experience every time! A year in review, It was a great year! We published 3 books, and due to not having a day job there for a bit I poured a lot of time into the website. We also gave nearly 100 books! Although we are not profitable, profitability is a possibility. The business model works, especially on the website as we can control the donations real time and have less overhead. At this point, the money that comes in get’s utilized in one of three ways; 1) Creating a new title, 2) Donating books, and 3) Replenishing stock. I wasn’t sure in the old business model if there was enough income to build a real business because of paid overhead, but with the time investments in place on titles, and the website I think there’s a chance. This could really change the “world”, it is changing the world, if the world is a single child. I don’t want to take out a loan to drive the business so I’m trying to build it on self-investment, readership, donations, and social media / word of mouth. What I know for sure is that lives are impacted by the positive and entertaining messages. In short, thank you for your support! Any help that you could provide with marketing is appreciated, please invite your friends to like our Facebook page Looking forward to 2021, I’ve been working very hard on my next book. It’s a Non-Fiction for early adult, and adult readers entitled Empath to Self Love. I’ve written it in quick hit chapters, and it weighs in at approximately 51,000 words. Each time I read it, I feel better about myself. Maybe it’s because I’m telling myself what I / Empaths need to hear. I’ve found great grounding and inspiration through the text. This text really is greater than the sum of its parts. I’m working on a final illustration, final read edits, and then it goes to layout, proof, and finally publish. I also have plenty of children’s books written and in line, and we’ll continue to publish, promote and continue to give. Thank you all, much love! Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers It's easy to be proud of my kids, because they have amazing hearts. Sarah and I give them an allowance, but as part of those monies, 1/3 is to be designed to donations. With this money they can give to organizations, and/or sign up for charity events. Our dentist office put out a box for Toys for Tots. Upon my return from an appointment, I shared with them that the box was empty, and that I was sad about that. It didn't take a second and they wanted to give books. With Covid-19, they wanted to help out, so I was happy to supply them books at donation cost to give. They each have a full set (10 total copies), and I couldn't be prouder of my little girls!
If you'd like to give a copy we have three options for you; Simply buy a copy (we give one for everyone purchased). You can also give another by adding the "Give another one" to your cart. You can also make a donation to the webpage. All donation monies are used to give books! Much love, and Happy Holidays! Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers #Toys4Tots #ToysforTots Hello all,
November was a good sales month! We released Sonic the Flatulent Reindeer and it took off with a toot and a bang. It’s a fun one to give as well because it’s Christmas! With a total of 22 copies to give, we are making spirits bright. I again gave to Christian Family Care, because they love giving to the children that they provide support for. I was able to give three full sets, and two extra copies of Sonic to Christian Family Care. Then due to a twist of fate I gave a full set of books to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There’s a bit of a story there. A mission group came out to help us put lights up on our second level, as we responded to a good will flyer left in our door. I’m a bit spooked since the ladder fall I had a while back, and I have a hard time with the height of this house. Turns out they were a church group that also worked with youth, I felt that it was the right time, and situation and gave books knowing that they would be used towards the mission of FeltIt InMyHeart Press. In times like this; Covid, the Holidays, it’s just nice to have good will gestures, and to take the time to put a smile on someone else’s face. This was given to us through the good will gesture, and then I was able to give books to youth during a trying time, and holiday season. Even behind the mask, you know the smile is there! I’m ever more in love with this business. I understand money is tight, I understand that the books are a bit spendy, but when you give them, and know the impact it’s a beautiful thing. Buy and give today, it's a great way to teach a child about charity through a fun an loving story. Sonic makes a great Christmas present for any child you’d love to see smile and giggle with holiday glee. Use Code Friends&Family to get a 10% discount on your order today. Thank you, Happy Holidays! Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers If you know a kid who giggles, every time you say the word “Toot”, then this is the book for you. Sonic the Flatulent Reindeer is now available for purchase at https://feltitinmyheartpress.weebly.com/shop.html#/. This book is a bit of a change from the first four children’s book. To be blunt it’s really funny. The first four are better described as heartwarming. Sonic is heartwarming too, as it focuses on inclusion and acceptance of differences, but that context, is within a long winded fart joke. If you are looking to make your little one belly laugh, pick up a copy today.
I’m super excited about its release, because it’s my first ever holiday release! I even got Sonic his own commercial! It’s available on YouTube! Please share it! For 72 hours (11/06/2020 – 11/09/2020) only to celebrate the launch, use code (Launch72) at checkout for 10% off your copy of Sonic The Flatulent Reindeer. Much Love, Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers In short I feel blessed. This month I’ve obtained full time work, my children are thriving in a new school. In Arizona, everyone wears a mask, and for the most part the virus is on the decline. This month I was able to give 14 books away, 6 Bumble the Yeti, The Power of Yet, 4 My Little Luminaire, 2 Duck Duck Grey Duck and 2 The Lonely Bench. There’s a lot of generosity, and I thank the supporters of this website from the bottom of my heart. The numbers are great for September, and this is partially due to a new option in cart “Give Another One”. A patron selected Give Another One 4 times this month, which gave another 4 copies in addition to the 4 given with the purchase of the books. I’m glad that the compounding giving option it being used.
Christian Family Care is my favorite outlet for my books here, and their business model continues on despite Covid. Some of the other groups that I reach out to have suspended operations and this breaks my heart. Christian Family Care puts my books into adoption packages and this makes me very happy. I often imagine the children getting the books and the messages. They now know me, and treat me like a bit of a celebrity. I’m not in this for that at all, but it makes it very easy to get them books, and I try to get them books every other month depending on sales. I’ve been working hard on two more books that I’d like to get out before Christmas. The first, is a children’s holiday release, and in place of a heart warming message, we have a heart warming message complimented with a rather large and continuous fart joke. The title is Sonic the Flatulent Reindeer and I’m looking forward to it’s release. The second is Empath the Self Love, and that’s the non-fiction that I’ve been working on for the last couple of years. It’s in edit right now, and I have a ways to go in process to get it out, but if everything were to process smoothly there’s an outside chance I can get it released before Christmas. Well that’s it for updates, I super appreciate your support. It’s been a bit since I’ve rounded up the troops and asked for marketing support, so if you would like to help please: 1) Please go to my business Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/FeltItInMyHeart/ 2) Scroll across the top, and click on “COMMUNITY” 3) Click “INVITE FRIENDS” 4) Click “ALL” 5) Please wait for a minute for the invitations to be sent. I know it’s a lot to ask. By doing this you support my business and this has been the biggest driver of giving / purchases / support that I've received. Bigger than that you support messages of love and light, literacy, and education. Thank you so much for your support. Much love! Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers Great news!
I was able to get the Read with me version of Duck Duck Grey Duck completed and loaded to my YouTube Channel. I’m really trying to work on voice with these and it’s tough to build inflection points. This is a longer book, and I’m purposely reading them slowly so that little one’s can read along / follow along with the words. With this in mind I’m trying to keep them entertaining. I hope that they are able to read along with a physical copy, and that in practice, it helps them to learn to read. The inflection points that I think are most interesting in this video are the words “Honk”, and “Quack”. I always try to make the voices when I read to my kids, so this is no different. Feel free to make fun of me in open forum, I don’t mind. Anyhow, it’s up and I encourage you to watch and read along. I also wanted to mention a new purchase option. You may be in the shop, and notice an option to “Give Another One”. I wanted to provide an opportunity to multiply your giving, in the case you want to give an additional book, to assist in our efforts to defeat illiteracy. In addition to a book purchase, for $6 you can give an additional book to a child at risk for illiteracy. Lastly, I’m running a special right now for friends and family, please feel free to use the coupon code Friends&Family to receive 5% off your order. I figure if you are reading my blog this early in this venture, you are probably either a friend or family. Good news is, I pretty well consider everyone either a friend or family so it works! Much Love Friends and Family, Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers August was a slow sales month selling just one copy of Bumble the Yeti. It’s somewhat expected, but with a new release I was hoping for a better month. I’m going to take this one copy and spool it up into giving for September or October and try to build a new relationship with Big Brothers, Big Sisters. I think it would be pretty cool for mentors to have free books to give their kiddos.
Let’s talk about the new release because it’s message applies so wonderfully to my children, their school work, and even myself and this little business. Bumble the Yeti, The Power of Yet is about patience, grit, determination and a never quit attitude. It’s about showing up every day and giving your best, and even if you don’t get it now, or it doesn’t come easily, never give up. It’s about those efforts paying off and those learnings blossoming into skills and fortitude. I find this message hopeful. I find this message timely. With the onset of a new school year fraught with challenges, the prior loss of my contract, my children home and attempting to learn, I’m reminded of the meaning and power of the story. Never give up, be patient, creative and learn through the process. Covid is making us all do this whether we want to or not. Bumble is a great way to teach this flexibility, and never give up grit to children. It’s written at a 3rd-4th grade level and not yet a chapter book so it’s perfect for the children that know enough to have questions, and it addresses perseverance real time. Now for FeltIt InMyHeart Press, Bumble in his story is exactly where I am with this business. I’m releasing title after title and I’m getting better at it. I’m tackling challenges, I’m promoting my message of love and trying to defeat illiteracy, I’m building relationships, I’m building my own platform, I’m marketing strategically, and this year I’m pushing a holiday release that breaks away from the educational side of things to celebrate the magic of Christmas through humor. I of all people, as a parent and struggling business owner in these crazy times must understand, and take to heart Bumble’s struggles and understand the message. As the character Yet says in the book; “You can beat me today, but it’s not over yet, I’m going to be great! I’ll get better on that I’ll bet.” It takes fortitude, certainty, confidence, and even a bit of attitude. In a time of uncertainty this patience and grit is what children and even most adults need. Pick up a copy of Bumble today. Your child will appreciate it, you will probably get something out of it, and then you have the at risk child out there that you help with the same message. Win, Win, Win! Let’s change the world loves, thank you in advance for your support! https://feltitinmyheartpress.weebly.com/shop.html#/ If you made it this far in my blog post, use code “Friends&Family” to receive 5% off your order today. Much Love, Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers |
AuthorI'm writing for the love of writing and the joy it brings. I figure I can defeat illiteracy if I publish in a socially equitable way. To do this I give away one book, for every one purchased to an organization that supports at risk youth. |