FeltIt InMyHeart Press Titles
Empath to Self Love: A Healing Guide to Compassion, Sensitivity, and Protection
This book is not a heavy read, it was written in short, quick read chapters, most of which can be read and understood in less than 15 minutes.
“I LOVED this book! It is awesome and will be a game changer. Arlo gives positive practices to change and improve our lives as Empaths! I can't wait to suggest it to fellow Empaths, both empowered and struggling can benefit.” Larri Cook
“My favorite grounding read, I’m going to just carry it around with me.” Requested Anonymous
“This book gave me another angle to approach my life, and to sift out the negativity we all see.” Matt McKinnie
“I came away with a lot of positive vibes after reading it, coming out of the dark tunnel into the light to see the good in the world.” Patricia Lazik
“Arlo took on the most difficult of subjects and wrote a WINNER, this is the most valuable guide for a budding or blossoming Empath to become and stay good.” Requested Anonymous
The Culture/The Dark
1. About the Author
2. Walking Through the Fire
3. Traits of an Empath
4. Chinese Medicine: Foundations of an Empath
5. Qi as it relates to the Heart
6. Yin/Yang
7. Getting the head and the heart to work together. The Yin/Yang of being an Empath.
8. The Dark
9. Pitfalls of The Dark
10. Narcissists
11. Today’s Society
12. Us vs Them
13. Traumatic Events
The Science
14. The Human Brain and our Evolution
15. Imagination
16. Our Subconscious Mind
17. The Expectations of Childhood
18. Empathic Children
19. Personality Walls
20. Peptides Kidney Spirit, Memory
21. Epigenetics – DNA and the scientific explanation behind evolutionary behaviorism
22. Meridians
23. Chinese Medicine Architypes
The Solution/The Middle
24. Katabasis
25. Emotional Intelligence
26. Stronger in Your Truth
27. Muscle Testing
28. Forgiveness
29. Ho’oponopono
30. EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique
31. The Energy of a Life
Personal Care/The Light
32. Chakras, The Light
33. Healthy Living
34. Zen
35. A Lesson from Buddha
36. Mediation – Finding Intuition
37. Steps/Daily Process
38. Develop a Personal Code of Conduct
39. It’s up to You to be Stronger
40. Self-Protection, Quick Wins
41. Electro Magnetic Field Protection
42. Heart Rate
43. Find Your Tribe
44. The Big Picture
Let’s be honest. In Western civilization, being an Empath is not a glamorous title. Generally, the Western Medical Society tries to medicate us all while insulting us with the title “crazy.” What if I told you that this was all rubbish, you are not crazy, Western Medicine is the issue, and there is a centuries-old cultural and medical explanation for who you are as an Empath? Not only that, but that the explanation does not degrade you, but rather names you beautiful, wise, and one of the most important members to the balance and well-being of all living things, including the human race. I’ll go on to tell you that the negativity that you may feel towards being Empathic is simply a lack of understanding, and through reading this text you will have the tools and courage to make changes. Through that process you’ll understand why and how you are integral in the workings of society, and if you choose to, you may lead and balance the world in a way that you never thought possible. Embracing your Empathic nature, to become a true Empath may be the key to the best version of yourself. This may affect not only your own wellbeing, but the wellbeing of everyone you come in contact with. In a world that lacks an overall sense of courage, it is in itself a courageous act to love oneself so let's get started!
Saved with Honu - A Story of Adversity
Saved with Honu is my story, written with honest emotion, and with a goal of helping someone out there. At the age of eleven the ball of my right femur broke off at the growth plate, and three surgeries later I have a fused hip. This experience triggered a change in me; I became disabled, which led to drinking, and eventually turned into a seven year depression. Once out of the depression I would live at half potential for another eleven years. My story is about positivity, and the required process to get from being buried in depression to being vibrantly alive. What makes this book unique is that I survived the turmoil of my emotion through poetic expression, and the back pages contain more than seventy poems written throughout my depression and recovery. I tell the story now because, it can do far more good for others, than it can do harm to me. Written with humor and insight, it’s a story about how I helped myself, and what I learned by doing it the hard way. Concerning my decision to self-publish, I did so to keep the story pure. I fear that a traditional publisher would strip the emotion and leave the pages lifeless.
Sonic The Flatulent Reindeer
Bumble the Yeti The power of YET!
Bumble the Yeti is a small Yeti who is expected to work with the big Yetis. He’s having a hard time with it, and doesn’t feel like he can do anything right. His Papa sits him down over dinner and tells him a story about Yet, the greatest Yeti. He points out that is Bumble keeps working at it, he may not get is just YET, but he will get it. Bumble takes this advice to heart and continues to get better, leading the Yetis. This is a story about how a positive can do attitude, and a willingness to always try produces improvement and opportunity.
My Little Luminaire
Duck Duck Grey Duck
The Lonely Bench
A children's book with a message of love and friendship. It teaches understanding yourself, and others to open up and make friends. It explores the feelings that children have, and the social norms that need to be navigated to make friends in the elementary school environment.
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