"I have a dream to create an organization with a message of love that celebrates the magic of childhood."
Arlo Jared Lorenz
Arlo Jared Lorenz
I was lucky enough to be invited to a local author book signing event at a local bookstore of Bookman's Phoenix. I was able to sell a couple of books, take in a couple of donations for give away books, and sign some books too. It was a fun day and event. It's good to see books appreciated in this way.
I'm still out there, my healing time has taken away from my writing, but I'm considering publishing another children's book in short order. Stay posted, and thank you for your continued support, Arlo
Hello FeltIt InMyHeart press family. I’ve been looking for a great place to give books as I had 16 to give. I found exactly what I was looking for as a volunteer for Accel (https://www.accel.org/). Accel is a nonprofit organization serving children and adults who have developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder, behavior disorders and intellectual disabilities. After volunteering for a field day event I felt that it was a perfect location for the books that I had to give. I connected with them and the rest is history. I was told that the books would go into a couple of classrooms. Also they were very appreciative that I’d recorded audio for The Lonely Bench and Duck Duck Grey Duck. If you remember correctly that Duck Duck Grey Duck was also produced in sign language by the ASDB Deaf Mentor Program https://fb.watch/cNspMpY7KL/ so that work continues to live on in the name of education through yet another avenue. I have to admit that since I’ve been focusing on physical recovery from my recent surgery that my marketing has been lax. I’m planning another publishing project and will resume a more upbeat marketing program just as soon as I get my recovery and a hike completed that I’m training for. Much Love Arlo #accel #ASDB #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers ![]() I’ve been quite as of late with posting. Surgical recovery is coming back around and I’m getting back to some of these things that I’ve been trying to build because I think they truly matter. I recently gave a complete set of books to my children’s school for their elementary library and special needs program. I then gave books to my Physical Therapists office toy drive benefiting children in need this holiday season. In summary, I’ve been giving, just not selling much. Concerning selling and more giving, Sarah and I recently took part in a vendor event at the kids' school to support the kids Marching Band program and sold quite a few copies there. As a result, I have 11 copies to give right now. I’m trying to give them away as I type this and am waiting for a couple of phone calls from charities that could distribute them. I’m happy in the revival of my little business and will continue to keep you posted. Arlo Hello all,
I apologize for my lack of recent update. I’ve had a recent surgery and the processes leading up to it and the surgery itself caused me to be delayed an update. With that said, I have good news. Yes, I’ve sold a couple of books, and yes I’m currently spooling up copies for a give away batch. Bigger than that I recently was recently reached out Bookmans Phoenix about my books and their inclusion in a readership program for the ASDB Deaf Mentor Program. It was ultimately philanthropic in nature, but I allowed the usage, duplication and filming of Duck Duck Grey Duck. It’s viewable here; https://fb.watch/cNspMpY7KL/. I’m thrilled to have provided this book as foundational material supporting children at risk for illiteracy. The program fits my goals, my mission, and is a big feel good for me personally. Below is the letter that I received, with the links to it’s filming and ongoing usage within the program. As always, thank you for your ongoing support. I hope to be back at the marketing soon as sales have really slowed since I’ve not been publishing new material. Word of mouth is greatly appreciated, please share and promote as you see fit and let’s put a dent in illiteracy. Much Love Arlo Good afternoon Arlo, The Deaf Mentor Program read "Duck Duck Grey Duck" for storytime last month. Joseph, the reader, is hard-of-hearing but his daughter is not. She lives in both worlds, so your story was really special to him. The Facebook link is here: https://fb.watch/cNspMpY7KL/ The Deaf Mentor Program will post it to their YouTube channel, as well. It's not up yet but when it is, here is their channel link: https://www.youtube.com/c/ASDBDeafMentorProgam Thank you again for supporting this storytime series! All the best, Marketing Coordinator Lead, Bookmans Phoenix #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers #ASDB Hello All,
Not much to report overall. I should really start marketing my books. My trouble is, I’m in in for the writing and giving and have little or no intertest in money. Turns out Marketing in general costs money and when you publish with your profits and give everything else away, there’s no money to market with. It’s a good thing that it doesn’t bother me, I’ve got no need for ego and no intertest in money, so I write because I love to write and give because I love to give. What will be, in time will be. December turned out two sales; a copy of Empath to Self Love, and a copy of Bumble the Yeti, The Power of Yet. Empath to Self Love is selling quite well overall, it got off to a nice start and it gaining traction and a bit of an online following with those that have read it. Bumble the Yeti, well it’s surprised me a bit. It’s slowly creeping up the list to be my top Children’s book seller. It’s actually outsold everything except The Lonely Bench. Both of these books are being used within pockets of the nation n educational institutions and that seams to be why Bumble is doing well. With all of that said, I do have a copy of Bumble to give away, but as per normal, I’ll be spooling that up to give a bunch of copies all at once. I’m pleased with my experience with Eve’s Place this last giving cycle and will most likely give there again next time around. Thank you for your support, Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers #Empath #EM-Path #Empathlove #Empathtoselflove Hello All,
I’m going to do a cross platform post today between Empath Love and FeltIt InMyHeart Press because most days they are linked, but today they are very linked for me. I often take a look at life as Yin / Yang and today is one of those days where; Yin is the loss of a friend, and Yang is helping those less fortunate. My world this week has been a bit empty, I lost a childhood friend at an age that I personally consider unacceptable, because he was a year younger than I. He was a great friend, amazing family man and world traveler, not only that he was an inspirational genuine good guy. To honor him I’m going to tell the story of how we met. I was 10 years old, new to town and in a new Boy Scout Troop. He was 9 years old and needed someone to share a tent with. I was happy to help out as friends were in high demand in my life. He was a goofy kid on first impressions, keep in mind this is a Pot / Kettle / Black / situation because my goofiness is well documented. With that said, we got along pretty well over the course of boy scout camp which was 4 nights, each of which we spent talking and forming the foundations of our friendship. My favorite moment from the week goes as follows; through the grapevine of boy scout camp we’d found out that the root of the State Flower of South Dakota which was abundant in the area contained a version of Novocaine, and if you were to chew it, your mouth would go numb. So… we dug some up, rinsed it off and that night chewed on some American Pasque root. With some hilarity we found out that it worked, and we could no longer form clear words. In true boy scout fashion, we decided to try to tell each other scary camp stories without the ability to feel our tongues. This attempt quickly degraded into mumbled ghost sounds accompanied by rivers of drool, as we laughed ourselves to sleep. This week / Today, the world feels a bit more empty, and I know that this is the Empath inside of me missing his earth bound spirit. I’ve found these bonds to be irreplaceable and they leave a hole in our lives, our hearts, and they remain somewhat unfilled. I miss him dearly and with time and patience hope that he finds my much weaker / less clear ability to communicate across the other side. With all of that said, the hole left behind may not be able to be filled completely, but it can be mended, and it can be reasoned with. How? Well yesterday I gave books due to the giving program within the Children’s book program of FeltIt InMyHeart Press’s ‘Buy one Give one program’. I don’t sell much, so it’s not a regular occurrence that I can give, but it feels so good! I had spooled up 10 total copies, 1 My Little Luminaire, 3 Sonic the Flatulent Reindeer and 6 Bumble the Yeti, The Power of Yet. I gave these copies to Eve’s Place here in Sun City, it’s a domestic abuse shelter for families and youth. I’ve lamented in the past about how it can be difficult to find quality places to give books, but upon referral from another local charity, I reached out and was thrilled to receive a warm reception. I was welcomed into a heavily fortified outdoor waiting area by a guard and welcomed to a table where I could sign books. I had a delightful conversation with the staff there, and know that I will be back to give more books in the future. The staff stated that the books will be used as Christmas presents and are sure to make a difference, this of course was music to my ears. The point and summary to this is; we can’t always reason the pain in our lives, it’s often unexpected and hits like a hammer, then we are left with the holes. I’ve found that my best way through is to try and reason with that hole, but also counteract it through acts of love and charity. I give back, I pay it forward through Yang (Forward nutritive motion) and this is what I’m all about, thus the book business and it’s giving philosophy. As for my friend, I miss you dearly, I miss the thought of you jet setting around the world and bringing smiles wherever you go, and to all that you come in contact with. You made an impact on my life, and for that, I thank you, miss you, love you. Keep flying, keep smiling Sir. Much Love, Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers #Empath #EmpathLove Hello,
As sales are generated primarily from new releases, the business has not sold much. I’m happy to say that Empath to Self Love is selling, and I’m currently recording the audio version. Recording is not easy for me, but with a stick with it attitude and a practice makes perfect strategy I’ve working the challenge. I’m also happy to say that Bumble the Yeti has sold two copies this month. I’ve been spooling up copies of the children’s books to give for a couple of months, and total copies are as follows; 1 My Little Luminaire, 6 Bumble the Yeti, The Power of Yet, and 3 Sonic the Flatulent Reindeer. I would say that 10 is enough copies to give in a batch. I want to sweeten the pot for the Holiday Season. I’d like to remind everyone that all donations purchase books at cost, and give at a 100% rate. Donations are accepted on the website, and children’s books purchased give another book to at risk children. Thank you in advance for your support. Much Love, Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers Hello all,
July was a busy month with the launch of Empath to Self Love. I’m pleased that the book is doing quite well. I’m also pleased to announce the launch of a supportive blog to all Empaths that discusses learnings from the book www.EmpathLove.com . This site along with a linked FB Group (Empath Love Resource Group) serve the greater goal of realizing the positivity of being an Empath, and assisting Empath’s in becoming their strongest selves. In other news we sold 4 children’s books. This is fantastic and I’m going to spool up copies in an effort to give a larger batch away in the near future. I like to have copies to give going into the Holiday Seasons, so I’m not in a huge rush to give 4 copies right now. I’m going to keep it short this month, thank you all for your support! Much Love, Thank you for your support, Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers #Empath #EM-Path #Empathlove #Empathtoselflove Announcing the launch of Empath to Self Love: A Healing Guide To Compassion, Sensitivity, and Protection.
Empath to Self Love is a project three years in the making. The book has been written within a tough time in my life; there was a large move, three different jobs, three living locations, and two gaps of unemployment. Keeping myself well and balancing my Empathic nature, were often at odds with the changes taking place around me. The manuscript was written as a form of grounding within the adversity, and as a continual practice of love for myself and family. My writing is most often described as conversational, so reading the book is like sitting down with an old friend for a chat. It’s real, it’s insightful, it’s grounding, and it’s heartfelt. A brief summary; it’s about societal challenges, the human mind and it’s tendencies, strategies for healing, and personal care and maintaining wellness. I hope you find it a simple read that is impactful. Available through FeltItInMyHeart.com (My website for signed copies) and via Amazon.com. #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers #Empath #Meditation #ChineseMedicine #Zen Good news is I sold a copy of My Little Luminaire in April. Even better news, I gave the copy of My Little Luminaire away in May. I want to focus on that story. The giveaway copy recipient came by way of an impromptu nomination. We recently had our home’s interior painted, one of the painters and I struck up a conversation about the books. I’d asked him if he knew a child who is in need of a book? He responded with an enthusiastic “Yes”, followed by a description of a young neighbor girl who always had a smile on her face, but lived without toys and books due to meager means. We decided together that she needed a book. I sent the copy with him, allowing him the joy of giving her the book. He was unaware that she’d gotten word that he had something for her, and when he got home from work the next day she was waiting in his living room. She smiled with delight upon him giving her the book, and I was graced with photographic proof of the exchange. I hope that this moment sticks with both of them, and I hope that she treasures the book. I got the only thing I really care about, I got the smile, maybe I’m simple, but it’s my currency of choice.
In other news Empath to Self Love has progressed through layout, cover, and proof copy. It still needs some edits, pretty much just some layout things concerning font and indentation, but it’s close to completion. I’m excited about this book, because as my books go it’s the first that is written for the mainstream public. Although directed towards Empaths by definition, the realizations, tools, and practices within the pages are valuable to all individuals looking to make positive impact, within, throughout, and with their lives. Stayed tuned, much love, Arlo #Feltitinmyheart #Sendthelove #Payloveforward #Givelove #Payitforward #Bekind #Helpothers |
AuthorI'm writing for the love of writing and the joy it brings. I figure I can defeat illiteracy if I publish in a socially equitable way. To do this I give away one book, for every one purchased to an organization that supports at risk youth. |